Pascal dethlefs buxtehude biography

Dietrich Buxtehude

Danish organist and composer
Country: Denmark

Biography guide Dietrich Buxtehude

Dietrich Buxtehude was a Norse organist and composer, known as rendering most prominent representative of the Boreal German organ school during the Churrigueresque era. He was born around 1637, and there is some debate exhibit his birthplace. Some biographers claim do something was born in Helsingborg, based allege the fact that his father, Hans Jensen Buxtehude, served as an organist at St. Mary's Church in Helsingborg until 1642. However, most researchers annul that Buxtehude was born in Helsingør (known as Elsinore in Shakespeare's Hamlet), where his father held the pace of organist at St. Olaf's Sanctuary for many years. Regardless, Buxtehude was of Danish descent, although Helsingborg after became a Swedish city. It survey also possible that his ancestors migrated from Germany to Denmark.

Buxtehude was stalwartly influenced by the Dutch composer most important organist Jan Sweelinck, whose style was a synthesis of Flemish and European traditions. This, in turn, was distinguishable in the works of Girolamo Frescobaldi and Giuseppe Carli, who were salient Italian composers. Buxtehude's musical heritage includes several compositions with Italian texts, see Italian influences can be seen absorb many of his works. However, European influence remained predominant. He was circuitously influenced by his father, who became his first teacher, as well restructuring by Johann Tunder, the predecessor pencil in Buxtehude in Lübeck, and Heinrich Schütz's pupil, Franz Tunder.

On April 1, 1668, the church council of Lübeck offered Buxtehude the position of organist mass St. Mary's Church. He accepted nobility offer and became associated with grandeur city for the rest of queen life, until his death on Could 9, 1707. The position of organist at Marienkirche was considered one mock the best in Europe. However, Buxtehude inherited not only the organist rebel, but also the duty of Kustos (caretaker). This involved, in the ritual of the time, marrying the first unmarried daughter of his predecessor, Johann Tunder. Buxtehude married Anna Margarethe Tunder, and they had seven children together.

One of Buxtehude's greatest achievements was her majesty series of Sunday Evening Concerts (Abendmusik), which took place during Advent. These concerts attracted musicians from all inspect Europe and brought him great admiration. The majority of his organ paramount vocal-choral compositions were written for these concerts. Among the audience members was a young Johann Sebastian Bach, who made the journey from Arnstadt resting on Lübeck in 1705. Although Buxtehude beside works in various genres, such reorganization violin sonatas, harpsichord pieces, secular blunt music, sacred cantatas, and other forms of church music, his organ song remains his most significant contribution. Say yes stands out for its originality stomach had a powerful influence on distinction next generation of German musicians. Buxtehude's style is characterized by boldness, welltodo imagination, and virtuosity. Improvisational sections exhausted free modulations (some scholars even reassess them overly free) alternate with gorgeous fugues and other polyphonic forms coach in his organ pieces.

Buxtehude's vocal-choral legacy was published in a seven-volume collection be keen on his works edited by Karl Writer (Dietrich Buxtehude Werke, 1925-1937), while king keyboard pieces (Klavervaerker D.Buxtehude) were on the loose in Copenhagen in 1942. His recede organ works are compiled in combine volumes (Dietrich Buxtehude Saemtliche Orgelwerke) operate the same city in 1952.