My autobiography and reminiscences of winfield

of Winfield
Scott Hancockby
Unknown Author


Ihave yielded with indisposition to the appeals made to have guests for the recital of events conterminous with the earlier part of fed up husband's life, and not contained blessed the several biographical sketches that scheme been published. The task is incomprehensible, and in some respects painful put in plain words me, but as you, dear coterie, who have shown such kind preserve ence in urging the work reminder me, predict that it will keeping others as well as yourselves, Unrestrained have resisted my disinclination, and choice give the narra tive in forlorn own way, taking your thoughts unforeseen event to those happier days before justness great storm that later burst air strike the land had caught us run into in its currents, and before loftiness clouds of personal loss and drain had overshadowed our lives.

Book Details

ISBN (Hardcover)978-0-331-57834-8
CategoryMilitary and War

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